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Chapter 9

Young Bear had picked up a forked stick and raked together a large pile of leaves and grass. He had taken great care to gather the leaves from under the overhanging limbs of the pine trees so there would be little or no snow or ice clinging to the leaves. He took Old Beaver Tail's knife and cut small limbs from the lower branches of the pine trees. These he placed on top of the leaves. Then the thin blanket over the leaves and small pine limbs. The bed roll given to him by the big soldier chief was unrolled. Young Bear and his grandfather lay down on the thin blanket and pulled the two thick blankets and the strange black cover over them. As they settled down in the leaves and pine boughs Young Bear could feel the cold in his body slipping away. He was getting warm. Old beaver Tail must have been warm too because he was soon sleeping soundly. Young Bear closed his eyes but he could not sleep. His mind was in a turmoil. Finally, he opened his eyes. The snow had stopped and the sky was clearing. Through the clouds moving across the sky he could see the moon shining brightly. His thoughts kept going back to the giant white soldier with the strange looking hair. He was completely different from the other soldiers. He given them a large piece of venison for their supper. It was large enough for them to share with their friends near their campsite. Had he not given them the very blankets they lay under? Had he not spoken to him as if he were a person? He had not growled at him and used the white man's bad words toward him. Truly, he had acted as a friend. Yes, he was different from the rest. Even his hair and beard were different. And, he had seen him today, as they were walking, talking to the daughter of Old Beaver Tail's friend, Running Bear. It made him sad to think of his grandfather's friend. Running Bear had become sick shortly after the journey had started. Only a short time after he had been placed in the sick wagon his spirit had left his body and walked on. Then the white soldiers had taken his body from the sick wagon and dug a shallow another hole. Old Beaver Tail had said Running Bear had died from a broken heart because he had to leave his beloved mountains. Now, his daughter, Moon Flower, was walking with the white soldier chief. he had seen their lips moving and knew they were talking. Later he had seen the big white soldier with the red hair walking, leading his horse, with Moon Flower riding in the saddle. Finally the cleared and the moon spread its light over the camp. Young Bear looked about the camp and finally closed his eyes and slept. He awoke with the first light of the day. The moon had been replaced with the rising sun. Perhaps there would be no snow today. Then Old Beaver Tails walking would be easier. he was sure his grandfather would be warmer. They had the thick blankets to protect them from the cold. Young Bear slipped from under the blankets. He pulled some of the leaves out of their bed and took some of the twigs he had placed there for a head rest and proceeded to build a fire. He took the meat left from last night, Placed it on a stick and hung it on a stick over the fire. He walked to a small stream and dipped up some of the water in the cook pot. This he placed over the fire. As soon as the water was hot he dropped in some of the flower seed pods he had picked. Old Beaver Tail was now awake. With great pride the old man watched the boy as he went about fixing their breakfast. His grandson learned well and quickly. Now if anything happened to the old man he knew the boy would be able to take care of himself. It took a big load off the old man's mind. As they sat and ate the deer meat Young Bear spoke to Old Beaver Tail about the big white soldier chief. He asked about the strange looking hair and beard. His grandfather told him that he too, had felt as the boy did when had first seen a white man with red hair. He told Young Bear that since the first one he had seen several more. It seemed there were many of the white men who had red hair. He told the boy he would see more as he grew older, that while it looked strange it was normal. Young Bear felt better now. He had been worried about the man with red hair. It had looked very strange to him. Then he told his grandfather about seeing Moon Flower talking to the white soldier and seeing her on the big horse. Old Beaver Tail told the young boy that he too had seen together. He told him that Moon Flower was a beautiful young lady and due to having to move west to Oklahoma she was unmarried and had not been spoken for. It had happened many times before that white men had married Cherokee women. It was very possible it could happen again. He thought he would have to talk to Moon Flower. Since her father had been his friend he felt like an uncle to her and, therefore, responsible for her. Ah, well, he thought, that will have to come later. Young Bear was packing upthe bed roll and soon the white soldier would blow his bugle horn to start another day of walking.

Chapter 10
Comanche Bear